Fair Housing

Fair Housing

The Santa Cruz County Association of REALTORS®  remains committed to supporting the dignity and worth of all individuals, and to work vigorously to defend policies that bring justice, opportunity and security for all. Not only for those buying, selling, or renting housing, but for everyone.

SCCAR has organized a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee comprised of members who represent the diversity within our community and Association to assist in the above goals.  If you would like to join the committee, please contact Chair, Maggie Barr at maggie.anne.barr@gmail.com or Vice Chair, Candace Bradfield at bradfield@cruzio.com

>> Download our DEI Talking Points to answer the question “Why are Diversity, Equity and Inclusion so Important in the Real Estate Industry?”

>> Fair Housing Declaration
Show your support equal opportunity in housing by displaying this declaration of following fair housing laws and your commitment to provide professional service

>> Consumer Guide: Fair Housing

>> Fair Housing Laws

>> A Snapshot of Race and Home Buying in America

>>Visit Fairhaven
The town of Fairhaven is a fictional town designed to
have REALTORS® explore, access, and combat housing
discrimination. This fully interactive simulator will address
issues based off real scenarios to help combat discrimination and provide customized feedback to incorporate fair housing interactions in everyday situations.

Additionally, C.A.R. proudly provides REALTORS® with information about fair housing best practices, building inclusive businesses and organizations, and promoting more equitable communities. Learn more: https://www.fairhousingcalifornia.org/