Mission Statement
Fostering a collaborative diverse community that enhances professionalism and integrity while advocating for home ownership, housing and private property rights.
Our Vision
"Preparing REALTORS® for a Successful Tomorrow"
Strategic Plan
2023-2025 SCCAR Strategic Plan
As a Member of the Santa Cruz County Association of REALTORS®, you belong to an organization and network of REALTORS® throughout the nation.
The National Association of REALTORS® is the nation's largest trade association representing all facets of the real estate industry. The purpose of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) is to enhance the ability and opportunity of its members to conduct their business successfully and ethically, and to promote the preservation of the right to own, transfer and use real property. NAR Website
The purpose of the California Association of REALTORS® is to serve its membership in developing and promoting programs and services that will enhance the members' freedom and ability to conduct their individual businesses successfully with integrity and competency, and through collective action, to promote the preservation of real property rights. The CAR Vision Statement: The REALTOR® organization will be the pre-eminent source of essential business services and the association of choice for real estate professionals committed to excellence.
The Santa Cruz County Association of REALTORS® (SCCAR) is a trade organization representing all facets of the real estate industry in Santa Cruz County, with association memberships of over 1,100 REALTORS® and 80 Affiliates. It's objectives are to unite those engaged in the recognized branches of the real estate profession for the purpose of exerting a beneficial influence upon the professional and related interests; promote and maintain high standards of conduct in the real estate profession as expressed in the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®; provide a unified medium for real estate owners and those engaged in the real estate profession; and further the interests of home and other real property ownership.
Santa Cruz County Association of REALTORS® offers friendly and efficient local services to REALTOR® and Affiliate Members. Some of the services include: weekly tour and marketing meetings, industry and community events, quarterly legal updates, weekly email updates and bimonthly newsletter, social media communications, professional services, educational opportunities, political advocacy and much more. Learn more about SCCAR at www.mysccar.org, follow us at www.facebook.com/mysccar or join the conversation at www.twitter.com/scaor.
How Is The Association Run? The Santa Cruz County Association of REALTORS® is in a Partnership with the California and National Associations of REALTORS®
Policies for the Association and Multiple Listing Service are formulated from model rules set by the National and State Associations of REALTORS®. From these model rules, each Board/Association customizes policies and procedures to suit their membership needs in the community it serves. The Association is an organization governed by REALTORS® who volunteer their time to recommend and adopt its policies and projects which are implemented by paid staff. InfoLink, the regional MLS computer provider, sets the Rules and policies for the multiple listing service.
REALTORS® volunteer their time to serve on committees and task forces of the Association. Committees and task forces are established to research and formulate policy for the ongoing operations of the Association. Chairs are selected by the President of the Association; committee members are appointed by the committee chairs. Committee Participation Forms are circulated to the membership in late summer for the following year to encourage participation for committee service from members willing to contribute time to their organization.
The Board of Directors is composed of 12 REALTORS®, again volunteers, who are elected to represent the membership and is responsible for governing the Santa Cruz County Association of REALTORS®. Officers of the Board of Directors include President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and Ex-Officio, with the remaining 8 Directors serving staggered terms of three, two and one years. In order to serve on the Board of Directors, REALTORS® must serve on at least three Committees or Task Forces of the Association.
Delegates or members of your Association are sent to three meetings of the California Association of REALTORS® per year. C.A.R. determines the number of representatives from each Board/Association by the size of its membership. These C.A.R. Directors represent the interests of the local Board/Association at the state level by serving on standing committees, task forces or special committees to research and formulate policy on all areas affecting the business, professional practices and public policy involvement of California REALTORS®. C.A.R. Directors for the Santa Cruz Association of REALTORS® are appointed by the President of our Association.
The Santa Cruz County Association does not have an NAR Director, however, our region (Monterey County, San Benito County, Santa Cruz and Watsonville) is represented by one Director who is appointed by an Association to serve for three year terms, or as a vacancy dictates.