Summit on Sea Level Rise Planning

Summit on Sea Level Rise Planning

Sea level rise is happening. Will you be able to protect your property? Attend to get information about proposed policies in your community.

Following a very successful Sea Level Rise Policy Summit that took place at the Westin in Long Beach on May 19th and 20th, Smart Coast California will be holding a series of Regional Virtual Summits throughout various jurisdictions, including Santa Cruz! Please join Smart Coast California for a live, interactive Summit on Sea Level Rise Planning, for Santa Cruz County being held August 16th at 6pm. Our speakers will include Supervisor Manu Koenig and sea level rise planning experts who will discuss and present the current political, legal, economic, and scientific planning policy considerations for the County of Santa Cruz. These experts will present their knowledge and engage in critical discussions on coastal adaptation policy in California.

Speakers include:

David Revell, PH.D, Principal Integral Corp.
Manu Koenig, Santa Cruz County Supervisor
David Carlson, County Resource Planner
Don Schmitz, President Schmitz & Associates, Inc.
Joe Prian, President Smart Coast California

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