REALTOR® Newsletter
The Santa Cruz County Association of REALTORS® Newsletter is published quarterly in a user-friendly flipbook format and emailed directly to each member of the association, as well as available for pick-up in our office and viewable online.
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SCCAR offers multiple affordable options to target your advertising dollars. Place your business ad in our newsletter, on our website, in our weekly email the eScoop or on our weekly Tour Sheet. Choose them all or make up your own custom advertising plan and ‘Target Your Market!’
February | March/April | May/June | October | December
February | March/April | May/June | July/August | September/October | November/December
November/December 2021 | September/October 2021 | July/August 2021 | May/June 2021 | March/April 2021 | January/February 2021
January/February 2020 September/October 2020
November/December 2020