Market Statistics

Market Statistics

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2024 Single Family Residences
Month Current
New Sold DOM Average Median
January 176 93 58 40 $1,267,118.00 $1,160,000.00
February 182 110 67 45 $1,229,635.00 $1,215,000.00
March 220 147 89 35 $1,384,977.00 $1,315,000.00
April 259 176 121 30 $1,562,184.00 $1,420,000.00
May 316 216 110 27 $1,409,845.00 $1,355,000.00
June 329 170 112 29 $1,584,224.00 $1,413,000.00
July 334 196 131 28 $1,402,477.00 $1,355,000.00
2023 Single Family Residences
Month Current
New Sold DOM Average Median
January 173 49 62 54 $1,258,306.00 $1,160,000.00
February 182 99 58 48 $1,289,582.00 $1,208,000.00
March 196 127 96 45 $1,313,754.00 $1,190,000.00
April 239 149 76 38 $1,411,795.00 $1,349,500.00
May 281 195 123 34 $1,552,680.00 $1,352,000.00
June 301 191 150 25 $1,382,727.00 $1,200,000.00
July 295 147 125 33 $1,490,218.00 $1,300,000.00
August 291 167 126 28 $1,300,675.00 $1,200,000.00
September 300 167 107 37 $1,276,118.00 $1,185,000.00
October 292 139 112 30 $1,389,972.00 $1,219,000.00
November 244 86 69 28 $1,680,923.00 $1,280,000.00
December 162 46 81 44 $1,382,875.00 $1,050,000.00

2024 Condo/Townhouses
Month Current
New Sold DOM Average Median
January 59 30 19 31 $797,489.00 $729,000.00
February 53 29 23 52 $710,826.00 $660,000.00
March 58 33 26 32 $798,980.00 $720,000.00
April 71 54 35 31 $902,714.00 $855,000.00
May 73 44 38 28 $781,938.00 $730,000.00
June 86 49 26 21 $851,651.00 $865,000.00
July 90 38 34 42 $786,108.00 $732,500.00
2023 Condo/Townhouses
Month Current
New Sold DOM Average Median
January 33 18 10 38 $842,083.00 $816,000.00
February 42 24 14 66 $818,750.00 $837,500.00
March 41 19 20 41 $864,131.00 $880,000.00
April 41 26 17 18 $950,033.00 $950,000.00
May 45 37 24 37 $711,538.00 $718,750.00
June 46 30 28 24 $824,743.00 $791,000.00
July 64 51 22 60 $792,733.00 $805,000.00
August 72 52 30 20 $848,366.00 $796,500.00
September 67 37 34 13 $873,746.00 $769,500.00
October 63 30 29 27 $893,689.00 $725,000.00
November 67 32 22 30 $762,608.00 $712,500.00
December 55 17 25 31 $896,543.00 $780,000.00

Third Quarter 2021 by Region
September 2021 Stats by Region
August 2021 Stats by Region
July 2021 Stats by Region

Second Quarter 2021 by Region
June 2021 Stats by Region
May 2021 Stats by Region
April 2021 Stats by Region

First Quarter 2021 by Region
March 2021 Stats by Region
February 2021 Stats by Region
January 2021 Stats by Region

2020 Annual Statistical Report
Fourth Quarter 2020 by Region
December 2020 Stats by Region
November 2020 Stats by Region
October 2020 Stats by Region
Third Quarter 2020 by Region
September 2020 Stats by Region
August 2020 Stats by Region
July 2020 Stats by Region
Second Quarter 2020 by Region
June 2020 Stats by Region
May 2020 Stats by Region
April 2020 Stats by Region
First Quarter 2020 by Region
March 2020 Stats by Region
February 2020 Stats by Region
January 2020 Stats by Region

2019 Annual Statistical Report
Fourth Quarter 2019 Stats by Region
December 2019 Stats by Region
November 2019 Stats by Region
October 2019 Stats by Region
Third Quarter 2019 by Region
September 2019 Stats by RegionAugust 2019 Stats by Region
July 2019 Stats by Region
Second Quarter 2019 by Region
June 2019 Stats by Region
May 2019 Stats by Region
April 2019 Stats by Region
First Quarter 2019 by Region
March 2019 Stats by Region
February 2019 Stats by Region
January 2019 Stats by Region

Archived 2022-2023 SFR and Condo/Townhouse data

Archived 2020-2021 SFR and Condo/Townhouse data

Archived 2018-2019 SFR and Condo/Townhouse data

Archived 2016-2017 SFR and Condo/Townhouse data

Archived 2014-2015 SFR and Condo/Townhouse data

Archived 2012-2013 SFR and Condo/Townhouse data

Archived 2010-2011 SFR and Condo/Townhouse data

Archived 2008-2009 SFR and Condo/Townhouse data

Archived local housing market statistics from 1996-2007:

Single-Family Residence Stats. 2005-2007

Single-Family Residence Stats, 2002-2004
Single-Family Residence Stats, 1999-2001
Single-Family Residence Stats, 1996-1998

Condominium/Townhome Stats, 2005-2007
Condominium/Townhome Stats, 2002-2004
Condominium/Townhome Stats, 1999-2001
Condominium/Townhome Stats, 1996-1998